Sunday, November 4, 2012

New Academic Licensing For Educational Users

Toufee, the online flash movie maker application has come up with a new licensing program that will allow educational institutions to have access to the Toufee flash movie maker application. Under the new licensing program, academic institutions can signup for bulk licenses at a highly subsided pricing. Called the Toufee Academic Account, this new account licensing will allow use of all basic features of Toufee flash movie maker application that will allow educators and students to use Toufee to create flash movies quickly and easily.
"The Toufee Academic Account provides academic institutions with bulk licenses at discounted rates so that every educator/student in the institution can have individual Toufee user accounts. We already have a number of independent tutors and educators using Toufee for activity-based learning and this is great news for institutions as this will allow educators to use Toufee's technology for interactive classroom learning in a much bigger way" said Sanchit Bhatnagar, co-founder and Director of Toufee at the launch of the new academic licensing program.
The new account comes with all the features of a Standard Account, however, there will be no support for YouTube nor does it allow flash movies to be exported to SWF files. Though product support will also not be available, a separate forum will be made available for educators and students to post questions and access answered queries. In addition, educators and students will have full access to Toufee tutorials and Toufee's Knowledge Base.
"The new educational licensing program is in line with Toufee's continued commitment towards empowering education through our interactive and cutting-edge flash-based products" says Navneet Rai, co-founder and Director of Toufee. All academic institutions in the United States and other countries are eligible to apply.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Music College Education

With all the talented people in the music world and the influence music has on our culture you think opportunities for musicians would be plentiful. Sadly, this is not true. Although the debate for whether or not a bachelors degree in music will help you get a job is waging right now. This article will just tell you the basics of what you should expect when entering a music college education program to get your bachelors degree.
The beginning of your bachelors degree in music will usually have an introduction to music itself. This means you will be covering many forms of music, mostly classical music in your first year, and the different eras of music. Very rarely will you ever learn about modern music such as jazz, blues, rock, rap, etc. You will just get a basic level of the history of music, not going into that much depth.
Regardless if you are getting your bachelors degree in music you still have to take the other required classes. This means along with your music education you are still going to have to take English, History, Math, Science, etc, as required by the school. The good news is you will usually only have to take a few of these classes.
Now, once you have finished your first year of music college education you will be able to move onto whatever specialty course you are interested in.
If you are going to get into the world of music performance and want to get a bachelors degree on it you must already know an instrument. There are no college classes that will teach you an instrument. This means that you have to be fairly proficient with whatever instrument you play before you are able to take a class on it. In fact, you are usually required to audition to get into the bachelor program.
The other major form of music education is music composition. When majoring in music composition you are going to be required to take many courses on composition. These classes usually start out pretty basic and will eventually get advanced. The early courses will have you just write and read music. As you progress into the advanced courses you will actually have to begin writing your own compositions. Your final independent project before you graduate will usually require you to write a full out sonata or concerto.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Network Marketing News Directory

For people who have been a little bit rattled by the contention that network marketing is dead, Network Marketing News provides a bit of fresh air that is a relief in more ways than one. Network Marketing News is a newsletter that is put out for network marketers, and far from saying that network marketing is dead, it instead offers proof that the industry is alive and well. When you are looking for a good way to make sure that your business aspirations are on track, having a touchstone in the form of a good publication is a good place to star.
When you are looking at the Network Marketing News, you are looking at a newsletter that is created by and for people that are involved in network marketing. More than that, this newsletter is created by inveterate researchers, people who are interested in making sure that the money you spend in your business is not wasted or squandered. With a little bit of work with this resource, you can learn a lot more about the industry and about the people in it.
If you are viewing their Newsletter, you need to make sure that they give free information about relative topics relating to the industry. Also judge them on how much knowledge they have. Are they actually working actively in the field, or are they outsourcing to some secretary. Are they delivering or offering products that will educate you and help you excel in the field? Do they answer your phone calls or emails asking for advice? Those are the factors to test before doing business with anyone.
There are times, no matter how long you've been working in network marketing, that you will ant to feel that there are other people who have been in the same place as you are, that are in fact, working at the same level that you are currently at. With Network Marketing News, you will be able to make contact with some of them, and more than that, you'll be able to provide yourself with a touchstone and a way of learning about the industry at large. One issue that many network marketers face is that they become isolated; with something like the Network Marketing News at your disposal, this will be less likely.
One of the things that this newsletter does is take stock of the industry itself. Rather than dark naysaying or empty platitudes, you'll find that this publication does its best to make sure that you as the reader understand the industry at large. If you have a great deal of information regarding the industry, you'll be significantly better equipped to make decisions for yourself and your finances. Reading up is a great way to make sure that you are prepared for any changes that might come or any shifts that might affect you.
Make sure that no matter what sort of business you are in, that you are well equipped to understand intimately how it functions. By reading the Network Marketing News, you'll be in a significantly better place to make decisions about your business and how you run it.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Best Age To Introduce A Child To Electronic Educational Toys

When searching for a new toy for your child, you may experience a bit of sensory overload when walking through the toy department. There are all kinds of colors screaming at you with huge numbers and letters to accompany them. However, there are more than just colors and numbers getting your attention. There are also lights, sounds, and talking toys. If the kids are with you, they are really excited and decide it is time to turn on every single toy that makes noise so that they can hear them chiming, ringing, singing, and beeping all at the same time. Obviously the kids know how to operate these toys, which means they have been introduced to them at one time or another. So what is the right time to introduce a child to electronic educational toys?
We see them everywhere for all ages. We see them for babies, toddlers, and school age kids. For babies, these toys will have very colorful buttons on them that may make animal sounds and say what the animal is or play music for them. For toddlers, the toys will say the name of an animal when the little one pushes the button or will even start teaching numbers and letters. For school age kids, they can improve their spelling and math skills in order to do better in school. The possibilities are endless, but that still brings up the debate of when a child is too young for electronic education toys. Or are they too young?
The consensus seems to be that children who are of school age should be the ones introduced to electronic educational toys. The reason for this is because children of this age are more likely to understand the different functions of the toy instead of being constantly confused as to what all it can do. For children younger than that, it is believed that non-electronic toys require more imagination. Electronic toys do teach numbers, shapes, and the alphabet, but non-electronic toys encourage creative thinking.
Also, although electronic educational toys are interactive, the interaction of non-electronic toys ties in with the concept of creative thinking. Non-electronic toys also encourage children to interact with each other, whereas electronic educational toys are primarily made for individual play. Non-electronic toys also promote physical activity.
But the good news is that by the age of 5, a child has developed many of these skills and can be introduced to electronic educational toys to help them in their studies. However, it is still beneficial to incorporate non-electronic toys into a child's life to allow them to continue using their imagination. Although the child may have an electronic educational toy, it is still beneficial to use old fashioned flash cards, alphabet blocks, refrigerator magnets, and other such toys to promote imagination and learning. One such way to promote imagination is through the use of building blocks that allow children to build things.
Yes, the electronic educational toy market is huge. There are actual consoles and so many games and educational programs that it can make a parent's head spin when walking through the toy department. Even after leaving the store, the toys that come home continue to make a parent's head spin with all of the beeping, music, and other various sounds that appeal to children. However, despite the constant noise these toys make when the kids are playing with them, when a parent hears the toy say, "Well done," "correct," or "good job," a parent can't help but have a smile on their face because they know they have a little genius on their hands.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dealing with the Costs of College Education

Due to continuous inflation, banks and lending companies are beginning to tighten their standards for loan applications. This may be expected in an economic recession, but the effects brought about by these events are beginning to make a huge impact on American families nowadays, particularly to American parents who are sending their children to college.
American parents usually rely on loans to pay for their kids' college education. However, since lending companies and other student loan boards have started implementing stricter application processing and approval, this makes it more difficult for parents to provide for their children's college needs. Persons with good credit history are more likely to have their loans approved, but the irony is, those in good credit standing have less reason to apply for loans.
In a recent poll conducted by the New York Times/CBS News, nearly 70 percent of the American parents surveyed said that they are "very concerned" with the available options they can take to pay for their children's college education. Only about 6 percent of the parents surveyed were "not concerned" regarding the issue. In response, the Department of Education gave assurances about the availability of federal loans, but the department still has to work things out with for guarantors and lenders to ensure that funds would not run out. Private lending companies, meanwhile, are fast becoming a prime alternative source for loans, but they, too, have increased their lending requirements.
According to the American Student Loan Services, parents borrow an average of $10,000 to pay for their children's initial college needs each academic year. Tuition alone costs roughly about $6,000 in public colleges and around $23,750 in private institutions. Parents usually pay on an installment basis, but this makes only a slight difference, since they also have other educational needs to provide for, such as room and board, computer equipment, living allowance and other miscellaneous fees.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Computers in the Promotion of Environmental Education

Computers have caused a revolution in education, but the tremendous changes seen in the last decade may be surpassed in the next as those computers are connected in a global education network.
Teachers and high school students sample the water in Lake Baikal in Siberia while at other lakes around the world, other teachers and students take similar samples from local lakes and subject them to the same simple water-quality tests. Via their school computers, they exchange their results and their observations about how water pollution problems are the same around the world. They are part of a "global laboratory" project that includes scientists specializing in water pollution.
A similar computer network pins citizen activists, joined with students, teachers and scientists, in "sister watershed" groups throughout the world.
Amateur birdwatchers and biologists pool their rare bird sightings in a North American computer network that is linked with bird researchers in Central America and South America.
The differences between classroom and community education are blurred on the global computer networks. Voluntary organizations, government agencies, students and teachers are all involved in a real that has become, for many, a virtual classroom, without walls, and increasingly without borders.
Already, pilot projects have high school students sharing the methods and results from field studies of environmental quality, using computer telecommunication to leap national boundaries. Elementary school children share their life experiences end visions of the future the same way. Their messages to one another, passed with tremendous speed and shared simultaneously among many classrooms, provide strong, personal lessons in science, geography and human relations.
Environmental education curriculum development, pursued independently and often in isolation by teachers, school districts and universities over the past two decades, is now linked in a global forum that can respond immediately to the ever more complex and urgent environmental problems the world faces. Teachers the world over are connecting with their counterparts to discuss how they can do their jobs better. Co-ordination of international education projects is less burdened by the constraints of time and travel budgets as computer networks provide forums for collaboration.
The technology for this exchange takes advantage of the personal computer's ability to communicate over standard phone lines using a modem. The simplest networks connect personal computers in a "store-and-forward" system that echoes messages from one to the next, until all have copies. These least-cost networks are linked to larger, faster computers that act as central information storage banks and relay stations. They in turn exchange information with one another and tap the power and data in computer systems at major research and educational institutions.
In many ways this vast new sea of information presents its own challenges, often akin to "drinking water from a fire hose." The enormous glut of fact and opinion is impossible to take in, and has forced those who would taste its power to devise new ways for organizing and sampling the information flow.
Electronic mail services and computer "conferencing" let students and teachers communicate with each other privately, or publicly as members of large discussion groups. Computer conferences are organized much like those where people meet face-to-face, except that the meeting rooms are inside each participant's computer. Computer conferences transcend time zones, since participants review and comment on each others' written postings as their time and interest allows. Everyone gets to read and think about questions or statements posed in a conference, and everyone has a co-equal opportunity to reply.
Computer networking is making classroom walls disappear. Real environmental problems are entering the classroom with immediacy via computer nets, and students are jointly seeking understanding and solutions with scientists, citizen activists, journalists, government officials and community leaders of all kinds. While access to computer networks is still remote for most people on the planet, it is becoming more and more available to the gatekeepers and opinion-leaders who help shape common understanding of the global situation. The increasing abundance of the multiple information sources available via computer networks, if viewed as a well-stocked marketplace, may also stimulate demand for more and better goods by the world's information consumers.
Citizen participation in the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), for example, has been ccoordinated via computer networks on seven continents, giving NGOs access to complete text of the preparatory committee documents, and providing public forums for news and issue discussion. This availability of information has a dramatic effect on how an event such as UNCED permeates the mass media everywhere.
Underlying the often chaotic view presented by the mass media, structures are developing to channel the new rivers of information to empower this and coming generations to deal with the issues it describes. A variety of efforts at computer networking for environmental education provide some great models. At the root, these efforts are all based on the same notion: that environmental problems must be viewed with a global perspective, but responded to by individuals acting locally, in their own communities or homes.
All of this new technology is not without cost, and the developed countries are clearly ahead in providing computer access for education. But even in the United States, where computer telecommunication is becoming commonplace, profit rather than educational reform is a dominant force in determining who gets access.
The harsh reality has motivated citizen computer networks to band together in the international Association for Progressive Communications (APC) to make computer network access broadly available. The APC hosts several promising educational efforts on its partner computer networks that now extend to more than 90 countries around the globe. These services may be tapped by anyone with a personal computer and modem, often via a local call, at costs roughly equivalent to a newspaper subscription or monthly telephone bill.
The education projects offered on the APC networks are examples of how low-budget computer communication can fit into community programs and classrooms.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Drivers Education Online

You can take Drivers Education online. Hallelujah! That is news worth celebrating, both for teens and for parents.
In the olden days, you took drivers ed as a high school elective class. It was an expensive course to run, so when education budgets got tight, drivers ed was one of the first classes schools dropped.
You still needed to take drivers ed to get a driver's license before you turned 18. Your insurance was prohibitively expensive if you didn't take drivers ed, too. So parents and teens bit the bullet and paid private companies to teach young people how to drive. Which meant Mom and Dad had to get you to and from class and driving practice. It cost a pretty penny, too.
And then the courts ruled that online drivers education classes are just fine and ordered various states to accept them as legitimate drivers ed training. No more driving to and from classes several times a week. And they cost less than half as much.
Finding Drivers Education Online
There are a number of vendors who offer drivers education online. Here are a few things to watch for to make sure you get the best course for you and your kid (or parent):
* Make sure the course is approved by your state. Different states have different driving laws, and you don't want to waste your money on the wrong course.
* Make sure the course gives you a certificate of completion that the DMV will accept.
* Make sure the course is for teen Traffic Safety Education. Some online drivers education classes teach defensive driving or commercial driving. Once again, make sure you are getting the right class.
You might want to see how interactive the course is, too. Is it just information with questions and answers? Or do you get visuals that help you prepare to get behind the wheel? Are there scenarios where you have to problem-solve and figure out what to do? Interactive learning is much more fun, and you learn a lot more.
Some of the vendors who offer drivers education online let you have a free trial lesson, so you can see how it works, and if it is what you are looking for. You'll find that you can find a drivers ed class online and that it will do a really good job of preparing you for your drivers license exam, and for real world driving.
And it will cost less than a traditional drivers ed class. And nobody has to drive anybody to and from class. Hallelujah!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Youth Education, Sports Icons and Community Leadership

For as long as I can remember the need to focus on school and the cultivation of a positive attitude has been proclaimed from the hill tops but has sadly only been embraced by a few in the trenches.
Today, it's all about being "cool" or "hip." It's about presenting the right "image", about being able to impress the girls or one's peers. It's about making the team, about being the coolest looking player on the basketball court or football field, the dude with the snazzy haircut or braids, or gangster style tattoo, or Fubu outfit, or pricey Nike trainers, or gold chains, or rings, or saggy pants, or sports car.
Of course girls aren't immune, they too are enticed with "bribes" of good times and pregnancy! But it is mostly our boys - the next generation of Black men - that are in real and in some cases mortal danger. It might be an overstatement to say that sports can be seen as a new form of mental and physical slavery. But is it? It's probably true to say that because it is attractive and associated with stardom, that sports exerts a powerful influence on our youth and that in some respects its influence is insidious.
Okay you say, let's keep things in proper perspective. No point scare mongering right? After all it's only a game. And can we really offload this sports thing onto the media moguls, sports magnates or fashion houses? Accepted, they do have the power and the influence but aren't we the ones who willingly purchase their products, their services and who allow ourselves to be used?
As powerful as the media is; as seductive as the lure of instant success through Nike trainers or an NBA or NFL contract might appear, the reality is that most parents and children are not caught up by the hype or fooled by the lies. In other words, the choice is ours. And many of us have taken a stand against the enticements of sport realizing that one Michael Jordan, or Venus or Serena Williams, or Tiger Woods does not an entire generation make.
The overwhelming majority of young black males who rally to the call of the sports and fashion media are drawn either to basketball or football. Almost undoubtedly these are the "coolest" sports and the black presence is obvious. The few players who, either because of their performance or earnings (the two usually go together), make it into the superstar leagues are the new emblems of success and have become the role models of every young black male who fancies his chances and sees sports as an easy ticket out of the ghetto, the classroom, or the boring life dictated by those of his parents' generation.
What I find most worrying is the way in which the educational opportunities of many young black males are seemingly being hijacked. Of course, those who make it into the professional ranks realize the importance of a scholarship and a college education. But the stories of cooked grades and stars who can barely read or write are too real to dismiss as fantasy.
But, perhaps more important even than this, is the "easy believism" that may be paralyzing or otherwise infecting our community through our children. Hey, they say and think, you don't have to work too hard. Just play a little basketball. Don't worry about school. There's nothing wrong with practicing that jump shot all day at the park. Homework? What's that?
Forget it, who needs grades anyway? Just work on those Harlem Globetrotter skills, slam, dunk, dribble, don't pass, drink your milk and Oreo cookies and think of Michael Jordan's success. No problem. You're gonna make it!
And my prayers are with you. But the reality is that you probably have a better chance of making it to the White House and appointing an all-black cabinet as you do of becoming the next Michael Jordan, Shaquille O'Neal, Allen Iverson, or any of the other currently top-rated basket ball stars.
Get real.
And that's the problem; the cloud of unreality that has colored our thinking and blinded our vision. And, unless we wake up and soon, our collective blindness may consign our children to the career ghetto with no education, limited opportunities, on a train going nowhere fast. And you don't have to think too hard about the usual passageway from here to drugs and the criminal justice system.
Most of us recognize and accept that these last two are tearing many communities apart and we regularly hear individuals speaking out against the cancer of crack cocaine or the unwarranted numbers of black men behind bars. We rightly recognize these "truths" as being evidence that perhaps all is not right with our society. But the possibility that slipping educational standards and the promotion of an easy path to success may be the real modern-day curse of our children has yet to be trumpeted from the hilltops by our politicians, community leaders or conscientious media personalities.
If they are speaking about it, then they must be whispering. Either that or I'm slowly becoming deaf! Of course, not all sports stars are jocks and it would be a terrible disservice to the able, gifted, and aspiring among them to say as some might that most athletes are nothing more than kids with too much money and too little sense for their own good. While the stereotype remains popular, again largely because of the media's focus and misrepresentation, it is largely untrue.
There are many young, bright, articulate, educated, conscious young male and female athletes who are serving as positive role models for the next generation. However, it's unfortunate that interviews with these individuals or real-time media representations of their lives off the court or field are few and far between. It's so much easier to focus on their sporting talent and promote their star quality. After all that's what sells tickets and increases the value of the individual to the promoter, owner, manager, coach, or television network.
For all the positive qualities that a Michael Jordan may exude, and for all the speed with which selected individuals are catapulted onto the world stage and transformed sometimes overnight into American icons, how many of your sons or daughters do you really believe will ever have an opportunity to achieve the same degree of success?
If your answer is one in a million, then you understand the stark reality. The reality is that the media allows relatively few players to rise to the top. As with Hollywood, it's much easier to work with a single hero. The same formula is followed to some degree in the sports world.
The script is written; the actors assembled and only one athlete at a time can play a leading or superstar role.
Is it any wonder then that sports "stars" almost routinely look to Hollywood, product endorsements or the music industry for further development of their careers? But, let's give credit where credit is due.
There are some real success stories out there. In most cases, the silent and the quiet who shun media attention, and who focus on their families, their careers and their futures in that order are not usually the stuff of which legends are made. You won't find such individuals being touted in the media. And there are other stars who, having gained a certain notoriety by living up to the stereotype, have gone on to make a success of their lives and business accomplishments.
Magic Johnson is perhaps one example. It was back in November 7, 1991 that the sports world was rocked by the announcement that Magic had the HIV virus. The news was shocking. This was at a time when for many HIV was equivalent to certain death. Now, a decade later Magic is a significant force in business with a reported $500 million business portfolio.
Many communities are the richer for such efforts and no one can take away from these public successes or the significance of these acts of entrepreneurial magic. However, I always find myself asking, when confronted with such tales of success and material wealth, how much more could our stars and leaders be doing by way of sponsoring scholarship programs or linking their names, talents and wealth to charter schools, colleges and universities, after-school care programs, mentoring programs, summer camps, space camps, foreign language learning schemes, cultural exchange programs, computers in schools, science and technology initiatives, hospitals, clinics, fair rent housing development schemes, libraries, urban renewal initiatives. The list is almost endless and the benefits would extend far beyond the black community.
But how do I know that they aren't investing in such things? Just because we don't hear about it doesn't mean they ain't? Right? Pardon the grammar but the point is well made. Perhaps they are doing all this but no one is talking. After all isn't this what the Bible encourages when it speaks of humility and the left hand not letting the right hand know what it's doing? Well how come we hear so much about the supposed wealth of individual stars and so little about the acts of "good."?
Surely, declaring these good works is a potent way to be an example.
I mean, let's be realistic, if nobody knows what these individuals are doing, how can we be expected to say "Hey, that brother or that sister is focusing on something positive, or investing their time and money in building the community, in our future, in our schools, in learning? How can they serve as potent role models unless we SEE them playing the role?
The way I see it, until we begin to see more visible examples of such investments in people and communities we're all wasting our time. Unless we see these institutions and edifices being built, arising from the ashes of our decaying communities so to speak, until there are conscious, vocal and repeated statements of support for the building of lasting institutions that are geared to improving the minds of our children and keeping them healthy and in school then even the success of a Magic Johnson, or a Michael Jordan may be taken as no more than the largesse of a rich individual who may be simply throwing his surplus cash around in blind imitation of other wealthy folks.
While no athlete or media star is under an obligation to support public works and they could very well invest their hard-earned cash elsewhere or live lavishly we all know that many do support some of the initiatives that I've outlined above and that they do so through privately established trusts or channels of investment.
The likes of Oprah Winfrey, Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, Spike Lee, and Whoopi Goldberg among others have long been associated with positive if not always public acts of kindness. Well, now may be the time to come out of the closet.
The point I'm making is that the dangers are so great that what we need to do now is mount a public campaign, to wage a public war on the apathy of our kids and their acceptance of second-rate grades. As athletes and stars we need to start telling and showing them by the way we walk, talk and invest our money that education is important. We need to be telling them that there's more to life than basketball, or football, or overpriced trainers, or MTV, or gangster rap, or Hollywood, or video games, or fully loaded convertible sports car, or the latest prison hand-me-down fashions, or ribbed condoms, or gold chains, or reefers, or smack, or crack cocaine, or alcohol, or cigarettes, or gang banging, or getting pregnant at age fifteen, or becoming a father before you're old enough to drive, or hanging out, or jailhouse tattoos, or multiple body piercing, or even the "cool" walk.
Is there anything left that I don't like and want to get rid of?
Or am I saying that there's some natural association between this litany of supposed negatives and professional sports? The answer is of course no. The fact that some sectors of the media continue to make this association is tragic and dangerous.
The fact that many young people themselves make the connection is perilous. The only point I'm making is that in the balancing act of life it appears that education and lasting career development continue to be challenged by the litany of material and emotional goods some of which I've identified above.
But don't get me wrong. This isn't about going back to the way things were when George Washington was President (actually, they weren't so good then). Or back to the fifties when men were men and women were women (yeah right), or a period before there were drugs on the street and television had yet to be invented. This isn't about going back to an unreal time when every child got perfect grades, there was no fun, no sports, no soda and everyone wore gray uniforms.
Rather, this is about coming together and deciding what it is we want for our children. It's about taking a long hard look at the reality of the world in which we live. It's about recognizing that many of our children are being left behind. It's about accepting that many of our young men and women - our children - are losing out on the American Dream. Their minds and their bodies are being sapped of all energy. Commitment and effort are being replaced by a desire for easy returns, usually with little output.
The dangers of a continued focus on life as a trip down easy street are obvious, although not so obvious as to have drawn the attention of every politician in the country. Every parent and citizen with even a passing concern for the future should be demanding that something be done. More importantly, each of us should be looking out for the kids in our care, for the kids on our block, in our school, in our churches, mosques and synagogues, in our boys and girls clubs, at the local Y's, hanging out on the street corners.
We should also be looking out for all the others out there. Sport has its place in our society. Basketball, football, and baseball, along with many other sports, capture our collective attention. We're a nation of sports lovers. And that's all right. The combination of skills, artistry, rivalry, strategy, tactics, techniques, personalities and drama is interesting, sometimes even exciting.
Sports may even help get us through the week and give us something on which to pin our hopes (the fortunes of "our" team) or, increasingly, the hopes of our children. For many the fascination is innocent enough for what can be harmful about little league baseball or a friendly competition, or my son playing basketball a couple of hours several nights each week, or following the fortunes of his favorite team or players by television or fanzine?
The answer is nothing, so long as the fascination is measured and balanced against the need to invest time in other creative pursuits and, above all, in education. Learning must count for something today. Look at the efforts of other communities. Recent immigrants from India, from Korea, and other parts of Southeast Asia are linking their future success to the classroom. Other communities would do well to take note.
If education is important today, it will be even more important tomorrow.
We must therefore give our children every possible opportunity. Accompany them to the game, applaud their successes, tend to their occasionally broken spirits or bodies, and give them every support possible for sports can help round them out as individuals.
However, we should also encourage them to keep everything in perspective and resist the tendency that some of us may have to cast ourselves in the role of aspirant coach, referee or parent to a prospective superstar.
Digest the fact that, nine times out of ten neither you nor your child will make it. Did I say nine times out of ten? Add a few zeros to the nine and you'll be closer to the real ratio between the dream and the reality.
But even for that very small minority who consider themselves specially gifted or blessed and who are determined, come hell or high water, to challenge the statistics and make it into the first tier ranks of professional sports, the point must still be made:
Maximum effort and educational success are non negotiable.
Bramwell Osula is a professor. He has over 20 years experience in the corporate, government, and academic sectors and has worked extensively in Europe, Africa, and North America. His interests include Performance Consulting, Critical Leadership, and Global Networks.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Alternatives to Education Meltdown

Why is it that education is never geared towards the majority?
Does that sound harsh? Well, that's certainly the impression you would get if you listened to the latest debate about education in England. Check your daily newspaper right now, and you'll see it concerns our Conservative Party's reluctance to endorse the idea of building new Grammar Schools. I know all about them, all right. At the tender age of 11 I was thrown into the '11-Plus' Exam that we had in Britain at the time. For some reason, maybe more good luck than judgement, I did well. That allowed me into one of the top Grammar Schools in my city, where I stayed for the next 7 years. Later, my mother proudly told me, 'Son, you managed to get into the top 2 per cent in the test'.
Hey, that's great, but how can you build an education system around the needs of the top 2 per cent? That leaves - how many? - out in the cold. Yes, 98 per cent. Damn, that's a lot of people, most of them directed towards a pretty second-rate schooling in what were then called 'Secondary Modern Schools'. They were 'Secondary', because that's schools for the 11 to 16 year olds, and they were 'Modern' because they got re-designed in the 1950s to meet the new needs of industry and commerce. They didn't last long. In the 1960s a new government came along, the Labour Party, and they promptly invented 'Comprehensive' schools, that is, schools that cater for everyone, at all levels.
Confused? You should be. While all this was going on, the real top dogs, the people who grew, went to school and ended up running the country, ignored the topsy-turvy policies and carried on doing what they always have done - going to what we Brits call 'Public Schools', (what the rest of the world might think of as private schools). Don't know what they are? Think about the film 'Four Weddings and a Funeral' and just take it for granted that all those posh speaking men in the movie would have been educated in English Public Schools. That will give you some idea.
So, British education comes out in levels. At the top level is the Public Schools, where rich people send their children to make sure they turn out like them. Next level down is the Grammar Schools, which we've still got! Yes folks, the Labour government said 'Let there be Comprehensives' in the 1960s, then forgot to abolish the Grammar Schools, so they carried on. They had to rely a bit on charity and a few floundered, but quite a lot milked the government for grants and survived. The Comprehensive Schools spread out into every parish and town, and Secondary Moderns disappeared, mainly by turning from the latter into the former. A change of name, some new buildings and 'Comprehensive' became the norm.
For 'most people'. That's the point. For most young people in Merry Old England, the vast majority, in the last forty years, would have attended a Comprehensive School as a child. For some that worked out well, a few hated it, and most got by. Why aren't we arguing about that? For two reasons. One, the rich and famous avoided the debate altogether and kept right on using Public Schools. Second, the local Comprehensive schools - who took in everyone from their locality, right? - soon found that their catchment areas varied, the type of parent and pupil they received varied also, which meant that some schools did well, some didn't. If you start with good grapes you can get champagne, if you have trashy grapes, you can end up with vinegar. No surprise. Pushy parents saw what was happening and moved house, usually into an area that had a well-performing school. Their enthusiasm made the 'local' school even more successful, and it attracted the brightest kids and got the best results. Oh yes, those schools were 'Comprehensive' all right, it's just that some performed better than others. They weren't all the same, as the original planners somehow imagined they would be.
So we debate that, don't we? No, we don't. The current row that's raging is about Grammar Schools. Remember them? We almost forgot about them back when things changed in the 1960s. The Conservative Party, just to prove that they have their finger on the pulse and is bang up to date with people's needs, is saying now that the country 'doesn't need any new ones'. So what? We'll just 'make do' with the ones we've got? Well, maybe, but that could be bad news for the layer of people slightly below 'rich and famous', the 'fairly well off and well connected', perhaps. They aren't happy. They can't afford to send their kids to Public Schools, and they know - since many of them went to Grammar Schools - that the Grammar School is just about the next best thing.
It's a terrible shouting match, and means problems for the real debate that should be going on about education in Britain. And that is, what's the best way to educate the 98%? Because, if we can't solve that conundrum, we aren't just letting down the vast majority of our children, we're also laying up trouble for the future, since we aren't tackling the real issues that are leading - right now - to teacher burnout, administrative lack of confidence, and a vision that looks increasingly like educational meltdown.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Find Financial Education

In every college and university all over the world there are specific degree plans and departments that cater to financial education. There are some programs that are more prestigious than others but the importance of finances is clear. In spite of its importance, a Finance College, which is solely dedicated to financial education, is rare.
The reason there might not be many schools of finance is that not many colleges and university see the need to specialize in this one area of education. It has been widely accepted that having a finance department is just effective as having an entire college dedicated to the study and impact of finances.
However, with the recent boom in finance and the globalization of economic trends, many are questioning their blanketing acceptance of this mode of thinking and are reconsidering the importance of a quality, specialized education in the area of finance. This insight has invited the growth of finance colleges in the small world of specialized colleges.
Finance College as its name implies, focuses mostly on the study of finance. Courses range from financial certificates to PhD degrees in Finance. The courses at a Finance College center on finance while including a wide assortment of economics, accounting, and law and business management to provide the best finance education possible.
The new standard for financial training encourages upcoming analysts and advisors to seek specialized finance schools to earn their degree. This trend towards specialized training is impacting some colleges who previously kept finance under the umbrella of a broader department to broaden their horizons and open a full-fledged finance school.
Technology has also paved the way for an explosive growth of online education and the finance college. Many schools may provide an online education offering an associates degree or two year certificate of finance. These schools team up with other colleges and universities to help students pursue their specific goals towards finance certification and/or a degree.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

SAP Education Benefits

The main objective of SAP Education Benefit was to achieve a successful technical upgrade. This SAP Education Benefit article was mainly focused on changes in the project level. The project management approach permitted the orange county public schools to achieve the successful upgrade from SAP 4.0 to 4.7.
Regarding the project management, some impressive numbers were also disclosed by the consultant. Mr. Jerry veal, the managing consultant of this project said that in a year 200,000 hours of manpower was saved. He also says that $ 750,000 runtime hours in an annual year were also saved.
If arithmetic is performed, it even adds up the saving of millions of dollars in a year. This is what we have heard from other school systems with successful enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementations. Another important factor is that OCPS has already worked out with change and project management strategy which is upcoming functionality expansion.
The destination is same for OCPS to take its own way. For instance, OCPS avoid the big bang approach to implement, placing a phased approach into play. This OCPS has some financial procurement, HR, payroll, plant maintenance, teacher certification, and some other modules.
Sap's on Demand Version
SAP previews the on demand version in his back office some software product like enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) at a recent analyst summit.
Mr. David Bradshaw says regarding this preview: he says "Each consumer will have their separate case of the software running on a separate server blade, with a separate database for storage of data. The SAP will maintain this software directly, fixing bugs and providing updates without taking the system down."
In such a situation, the on demand versions of SAP software will be preconfigured for certain verticals. The SAP service-oriented architecture (SOA) approach will allow consumers to squeeze the functionality. Customization started increases for mid-market CRM and ERP, so that it will increase or improve the technology development.